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Archive Events & Talks

Haunted Karaoke (In The Paravilion)

Making Space: Antivoid Alliance

9 July 2024
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Archive Events & Talks

Shape and Surrender

Making Space: Bela Emerson

19 June 2024
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Archive Events & Talks


A Celebratory Gathering

28 March 2024
Web Ready 2 Michael Baker Fabrica Alex Stewart 14 12 2022 18

Archive Events & Talks

Sofar Sounds

12 December 2023
Brighton Etsy Web Image for Fabrica 2023

Archive Events & Talks

Brighton Etsy

Christmas Market

9 December to 10 December 2023
Whos Anthem Is It Anyway Light House Production Hi Res 107

Archive Events & Talks

Dreamy Place Launch Event

19 October 2023
Cork 30 Hour Endurance Swim and Performance Storyteller Alice Briggs Photo Brian Cregan

Archive Events & Talks

Swimming a Long Way Together 47 Hour Endurance Swim - Brighton

Vanessa Daws

13 October to 15 October 2023
Kerry lemon EB Image

Archive Events & Talks


Making Space: MRS ROE

12 October 2023
Artist Talk 9th March 2023 1

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Partial Facsimile: Art & Wellbeing

9 March 2023
Image 07 11 2022 at 17 09

Archive Events & Talks

Taking the Plunge: a feminist history of swimming

9 November 2022
Convo Piece 2

Archive Events & Talks

Conversation Piece: Swimming for Trans and Non-Binary Bodies

8 November 2022
Image 07 11 2022 at 16 51

Archive Events & Talks

Artist and Curator Talk

Vanessa Daws and Rosie Hermon

4 November 2022
MG 7752

Archive Events & Talks

Brighton & Hove Arts & Health Network Meeting

Lisa Watts

28 September 2022
Convo piece

Archive Events & Talks

Conversation Piece: LGBTQ+ Intergenerational Stories

4 August 2022
Lisa and Becky IN CONVO

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Lisa Watts & Becky Shaw

21 July 2022
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Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk and Workshop

Tony Gammidge

23 June 2022
08 30 MOHAMAD NYT 054

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Mohamad Hafez

19 May 2022
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Archive Events & Talks

Conversation Piece: From Uganda to the UK

29 April 2022
Gary thomas talk

Archive Events & Talks

Making Space: Lost Memories, Artist Talk

Gary Thomas

10 March 2022
Conversation Piece

Archive Events & Talks

Conversation Piece: A Moderate Extreme

15 November 2021
FBA 1133594

Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk: Somatic Storytelling Using Found Objects

Carys Reilly & Beth Hopkins

8 November 2021
Simon Le Boggit Tour and Talk

Archive Events & Talks

Tour & Talk

Simon Le Boggit

28 October 2021
Carys Reilly Artist Talk 1

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Carys Reilly

14 October 2021
Shadowed Gesture 4 Photographer Helen Goodwin

Archive Events & Talks

Making Space: Sculptural Murmurings, Performance and Q&A

Hazel Reeves

9 September 2021
Sacred architecture

Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk: Sacred Architecture

25 August 2021

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Wolfgang Weileder

18 August 2021
Interfaith convo piece

Archive Events & Talks

Conversation Piece: Brighton’s Interfaith Community

8 March 2021
FBA EW 1111307

Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk: Working the Earth

18 December 2020
Unnamed 1

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Semiconductor & Laura McDermott (ACCA)

18 November 2020
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Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Walter & Zoniel

20 August 2020

Archive Events & Talks

Making Space: Cloudspotting: Experiments in embodied storytelling and spectatorship, Discussion

Raquel Meseguer & Cathy Waller

3 May 2020
Action Points

Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk: UnderExposed presents Action Points

26 February 2020
Gabriella Gillmore

Archive Events & Talks

Making Space: Four hundred and fifty-nine pots broken for you, Performance

Gabriella Gilmore

30 January 2020
Gabriella Gillmore afternoon workshop

Archive Events & Talks

Making Space: Four hundred and fifty-nine pots broken for you, Workshop & Discussion

Gabriella Gilmore

27 January 2020
Audint Unsound Undead Eve performance

Archive Events & Talks

Audint Unsound: Performance


23 January 2020
Audint Unsound Undead Eve performance

Archive Events & Talks

Audint Unsound: Workshop


23 January 2020
Lindsay Seers Artist Talk

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Lindsay Seers

2 November 2019
Compassionate resistance

Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk: Compassionate Resistance, can radical acts of care challenge an inhuman system?

26 October 2019
Whos taking care of the artists

Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk: Who’s Taking Care of the Artists?

23 October 2019
Annis Joslin

Archive Events & Talks

Meet the Artist

Annis Joslin

22 August 2019
Tara Mary Moore

Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk: A Place at the Table

Tara Mary Moore

17 August 2019
Jo Offer artist talk

Archive Events & Talks

Meet the Artist

Jo Offer

3 August 2019
Sara Dare

Archive Events & Talks

Meet the Artist

Sara Dare

24 July 2019
Sara Dare Annis Joslin Jo Offer

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Sara Dare, Annis Joslin & Jo Offer

22 July 2019
Rights culture

Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk: Rights = Culture

17 July 2019
Making space conversation event

Archive Events & Talks

Making Space: 1973, Discussion

Maria Amidu

2 July 2019
Ageing well festival art is for everyone

Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk: Ageing Well Festival, Art is for Everyone

10 June 2019
Serge Attukwei Clottey and Go Lokal

Archive Events & Talks


Serge Attukwei Clottey & GoLokal

25 May 2019
Serge Attukwei Clottey at 1 54 Contemporary African Art Fair courtesy of the artist and Gallery 1957photo by Luke Walker scaled

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Serge Attukwei Clottey

23 May 2019
Creative Catalyst

Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk: Creative Catalyst, Art for a Sustainable Future

22 May 2019
A place at the table Adam Mvuh Monika Akila Richards

Archive Events & Talks

A Place at the Table

Adam Mvuh & Monika-Akila Richards

18 May 2019
Chapter 2 Anna Walker

Archive Events & Talks

Making Space: Breathe Into Me, Performance

Anna Walker

17 January 2019
Hummingbird At The Table

Archive Events & Talks

A Place At The Table

Elaine Ortiz & Humeira Yaqub

24 November 2018
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Archive Events & Talks

Artist Story

Russell Webb

16 August 2018
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Archive Events & Talks

Meet the Artist

Jo Lathwood

29 July 2018
Jo Lathwood portrait 470x470 c default

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Jo Lathwood

9 June 2018
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Archive Events & Talks

Making Space: A River Runs Through, Discussion

Omeima Mudawi-Rowlings & Mike Barrett

15 March 2018
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Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk: Portraying the Dying Person, Image Making at the End of Life

15 November 2017
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Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk: Saying it Better, Communication at the End of Life

14 November 2017
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Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk: Death In The Digital Age

Dr Stacey Pitsillides

10 October 2017
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Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Sam & George Smith

15 August 2017
A river runs through

Archive Events & Talks

Making Space: A River Runs Through, Workshop

Omeima Mudawi-Rowlings & Mike Barrett

25 July 2017
Jon Adams

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Jon Adams

20 July 2017
FBA Peter Hudson 44

Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk: The Art Of Inclusion, Making Environments for Meaningful Participation

13 July 2017
Sarah Maple

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Sarah Maple

3 May 2017
Helen Cammock frames from video 2

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Helen Cammock

27 April 2017
They Onlar

Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk: Us and Them

19 April 2017
Jayne Wilson

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Jayne Wilson

1 March 2017
Tanya Gomez

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Tanya Gomez

22 February 2017
Annemarie O Sullivan Elaine Bolt

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Annemarie O'Sullivan & Elaine Bolt

9 February 2017
Melissa Campbell

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Melissa Campbell

17 November 2016
Dan Thompson

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Dan Thompson

3 August 2016
Ron Hasselden website archive

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Ron Haselden

3 May 2016
2019 Sharing Practice Fabrica 3

Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk: The Vital Ingredient

27 April 2016
Fabrica Programming

Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk: Fabrica Programming

21 October 2015

Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk: Christianity and the Corporeal

Elpida Hadzi Vasileva & Ben Quash

16 August 2015
Nicola Triscott

Archive Events & Talks

Curators Talk

Nicola Triscott (Arts Catalyst)

13 July 2015
Prof Raymond Tallis

Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk: A Consciousness of Finitude

Professor Raymond Tallis & Dr Paul Davies

9 July 2015

Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk: The hopes in which we worked, UK artists in Palestine

9 July 2015
Understanding Territoriality website archive

Archive Events & Talks

Conference: Understanding Territoriality

26 May 2015

Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk: Emerging Empathies, Looking at the development of language in birds, animals and humans

7 May 2015
Rachel and kate 3

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Story

Kate Genevieve

6 May 2015
Chalk Beds 032 scaled

Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk: The Beauty Spot

29 April 2015

Archive Events & Talks

Random Acts of Generosity

Alinah Azadeh

4 December 2014

Archive Events & Talks

Sea Changers, Can Literature Change the World?

Naomi Foyle

15 November 2014
Jan pub talk1 jpg

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Jan Lemitz

28 October 2014

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Story

Emma Critchley

23 October 2014
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Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk: From Wreck to REEF

22 October 2014
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Archive Events & Talks

Fabrica Testbed: Mr Snake

Lucy Steggals

18 September 2014
3 fabrica brighton day 10 reloaded video claude cattelain 2016

Archive Events & Talks

A Letter to Stanley Kubrick

Claude Cattelain

14 August 2014
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Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk: Reflection

Catherine Melin

7 August 2014

Archive Events & Talks

Meet The Artist

Catherine Melin

2 August 2014

Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk: Line, Gesture and Trace - current perspectives on drawing

23 July 2014
Monica web jpg

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Monika Gryzmala

5 July 2014
Jemima Brown Artist Talk

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Jemima Brown

18 June 2014
JD On Balance 23

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Jacob Dahlgren

4 May 2014

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Nick Sayers

24 April 2014
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Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Alinah Azadeh

9 April 2014

Archive Events & Talks

Book of Debts Launch

Alinah Azadeh

6 April 2014
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Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk: Craftivism

Betsy Greer

25 February 2014
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Archive Events & Talks

There's an "I" in Altruism

24 February 2014

Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk: On Stillness

Dr Kate Woodthorpe

15 November 2013
Cardiff 0001

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Julian Stair

13 November 2013
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Archive Events & Talks

Meet the Artist

Stig Evans

5 November 2013
FBA Elpida Still 23

Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk: Into That Good Night - Contemporary Art Approaches to End of Life Issues

17 October 2013
Jordan Baseman Talk

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Jordan Baseman

10 October 2013
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Archive Events & Talks

Speed of Sound/Speed of Light

Caleb Madden and Bartosz Dylewski

5 September 2013
David Miles JPG gallery

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

David Miles

25 July 2013
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Archive Events & Talks

György Ligeti’s Poème Symphonique (1962)

Music of Our Time

24 July 2013
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Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Susie MacMurray

18 July 2013
Ceri hand3

Archive Events & Talks

Gallery Talk

Ceri Hand

2 July 2013

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Scott Smith

5 June 2013

Archive Events & Talks

Meet the Artist & Performance

Scott Smith

27 May 2013
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Archive Events & Talks

Artist Story

Lucy Steggals

25 April 2013
Kaarina Kaikkonen artist

Archive Events & Talks

Artist Talk

Kaarina Kaikkonen

24 March 2013


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